Ferny District Cricket Club
Cricket Australia Child Safety requirements and Acknowledgement
Ferny District Cricket Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children. Ferny District Cricket Club has endorsed Cricket Australia's Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People. We also have endorsed and are committed to following Australian Cricket's Looking After our Kids' code of behaviour for affiliated associations, clubs and indoor centres.
If you are affiliated with Ferny District Cricket Club in any way, shape or form, Please acknowledge our commitment to child protection so we can continue to offer a safe and nurturing environment for children in our community.
Looking After Our Kids Acknowledgement
As part of our commitment to safeguarding Children and Young People, Australian Cricket seeks to provide a safe environment for Children and Young People and ensure that the experiences of Children and Young People are free from any form of Prohibited Conduct, including Child Abuse, Bullying, Harassment or Grooming. All persons involved in cricket will promote Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs. This includes that all such persons must:
1. ensure all Children and Young People participating in cricket feel safe, included, encouraged and supported.
2. use positive guidance strategies to ensure that Children and Young People are respected and treated fairly, giving positive and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism. If an individual is required to discipline a Child or Young Person, they must ensure that appropriate techniques are used with the safety and wellbeing of the Child or Young Person being considered.
3. put the welfare of Children and Young People first by encouraging a constructive environment where healthy competition, skill development, fun and achievement are promoted.
4. promote good sportsmanship by encouraging Children and Young People to be considerate of players, officials and volunteers.
5. ensure that physical contact with a Child or Young Person is appropriate for delivery of the program or services, such as skill development or correction, fitting equipment, or providing comfort or support. 6. use appropriate language and communication techniques when dealing with Children and Young People, providing clear direction and guidance and avoiding language that is: a. discriminatory, racist or sexist; b. derogatory, belittling, negative, sexual, profane or offensive; or c. intended to threaten or be harmful to the Child or Young Person.
7. avoid one-on-one unsupervised contact with Children and Young People at all times.
8. ensure change room and accommodation arrangements are appropriately considered to allow for suitable supervision whilst recognising the privacy of Children and Young People.
9. Not take photos, videos or other recordings of Children and Young People including livestreaming matches involving Children and Young People without the prior consent of their parent or guardian. Any photos, videos or other recordings must be in connection with the Child or Young Person’s participation in our sport.
10. not seek to or contact Children or Young People outside contact that is required as part of the scope of the individual’s role in our sport.
11. not engage in inappropriate conversations in the presence of Children and Young People, including communication on social media, email or mobile phone.
12. not supply alcohol or drugs to Children or Young People or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when in the presence of Children and Young People
For further information, see the full version of Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs at cricketaustralia.com.au/safeguarding.
I acknowledge that I have read and agree to comply with and be bound by Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs and Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
Image Consent
FDCC may, from time to time, record or take photographs t training, matches and other events organised or attended by FDCC for the purpose of promoting FDCC. These recordings or images may be used by FDCC on it’s website, social media pages, advertising material or in publications. FDCC may also, from time to time, take recordings or photographs for the purpose of skill correction and analysis. I consent for FDCC to take recordings, photographs or using my image and my child’s image for these purposes.
Live Streaming Consent
Footage (including clips or stills) from livestream recordings may be used by FDCC purposes which may include:
• for training or educational purposes (for example, skill correction and analysis or for use in training tools)
• for promotional purposes (for example, footage, stills or images may be featured on CLUB/ASSOCIATION website, social media pages and/or in other Club/Association publications)
• for commercial purposes
• to aid any investigation or as evidence in any hearing or disciplinary process brought under the Club and/or Association Code of Conduct or Competition Rules.
I acknowledge that FDCC or other clubs may livestream Matches and I consent to FDCC capturing and using images/footage of me and/or my child for these purposes.
Transporting Children
Australian Cricket acknowledges that from time to time there are valid reasons for transporting Children and Young People. Children and Young People are to be transported only:
• in circumstances that are directly related to the delivery of our sport;
• with the prior written consent from the Child or Young Person’s parent or guardian and;
• an acknowledgment of the Nominated Supervisor or Person in Authority of the parent or guardian’s consent. Parental/Guardian consent must be provided in writing and must include the following information:
• the form of transport proposed, such as private car, taxi, self-drive bus, bus with driver, train or plane;
• the reason for the journey;
• the route to be followed, including any stops or side trips;
• details of anyone who will be present during the journey other than the personnel who are involved in delivering our sport; and
• vehicle and registration information, including insurance and full license held by drivers.
Written consent can be obtained by using an online, digital or hard copy form (you can use the Australian Cricket Parent/Guardian Transportation/Pick Up Approval as a template) or by electronic message such as email or SMS. In the event that it is not practicable for the person to obtain prior written approval or consent, they must notify the Nominated Supervisor or Person in Authority in writing of the details of the travel as soon as practicable following completion of the journey. When transporting Children or Young People, the driver must drive responsibly, must not be under the influence of any substance that may impair them cognitively, including alcohol, and must have a valid drivers’ licence and, to the to the extent practicable, not be alone in the car with a Child or Young Person. Children and Young People may only be transported in a vehicle when the manufacturer stated capacity is adhered to and seatbelts and child restraints must meet Australian Standards (AS/NZS1754).